History and Purpose

History of Indian chapter of IHPBA

Indian chapter of IHPBA was formally inaugurated by Prof. Jim Toouli, Past President, IHPBA. It was started with the goals of finding effective treatment for the disorders of the liver, pancreas and biliary tree, promoting understanding, encouraging change, studying problems, fostering friendship in the field of HPB surgery. The chapter will strive towards achieving highest ethical standards and help in education and career development in the field of HPB Surgery.

Purpose of Indian chapter of IHPBA

  • To promote understanding of the causes, investigation and treatment of disorders of the liver, pancreas and biliary tree
  • To encourage the interchange of clinical and scientific knowledge among surgeons and members of related disciplines working in this field
  • To study any relevant problems that affect the liver, pancreas and biliary tract and to facilitate collaborative research into the factors that lead to disease of these organs and their prevention.