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The name of the Association shall be
The number of members enrolled in the Chapter is unlimited.
The Chapter shall consists of the following types of members
Membership shall be available to any suitably qualified medical practitioner or scientist involved in any of the hepatic, pancreatic or biliary fields.
Application for membership should be on the Official application form.
Life Member who joined the Chapter before 31st March 2001.
Post Graduate Medical Doctor from any Institution or University recognized by the Medical Council of India or approved by the Executive Committee, and with an active interest in IHPBA.
Person from medical, nursing or technical background with an active interest in IHPBA but not fulfilling the criteria for Life Member. They shall have no voting rights nor shall they contest any position in the Executive Committee.
Person of renown, who has made outstanding contribution to the field of IHPBA. To be nominated by unanimous vote of Executive Committee and to be ratified by simple majority of the General Body.
Person from Industry with an active contribution to the requirement of IHPBA.
Life Member from a country other than India but without voting rights.
Every Life member of the Association will be entitled to one vote.
Members of all categories are required to pay the Life subscription and support the activities of the Chapter. The level of the fees shall be determined by the Executive Committee and approved by the General Body of the Chapter.
Irrespective of the type of Membership, the members will cease to belong to the Chapter as determined by the Executive Committee by virtue of the following :
The affairs of the " INDIAN CHAPTER OF INTERNATIONAL HEPATO PANCREATO BILIARY ASSOCIATION (IHPBA)" shall be conducted by the Executive Committee having the following office bearers :-
The Executive Committee of the Association shall have a minimum of 7 members and the maximum will be determined by the Executive and elected at the General Body Meeting of " INDIAN CHAPTER OF INTERNATIONAL HEPATO PANCREATO BILIARY ASSOCIATION (IHPBA)"
Vacancies occurring unexpectedly among the Executive, other than that of President, shall be appointed by the President in consultation with the Executive Committee members.
Candidates of various types of Memberships shall obtain the official application form from and submit it duly completed to the General Secretary of Chapter for approval by the Executive Committee. Membership commences on receipt of acceptance from the General Secretary.
Nominations for the several vacancies in the Executive Committee shall be submitted to General Secretary in writing not less than one month before the next General Body Meeting / Annual Conference. Candidates, proposers and seconders shall be Life Members of the Chapter and the consent of the Candidate should accompany the nomination. In the absence of nominations from the Members, the Current Executive Committee will propose names for the Executive Committee. The names will be scrutinized by the Credentials Committee consisting of Eminent Experts in the field. The credentials committee will be appointed by the executive committee. The new Committee Members will be appointed at the General Body on the recommendation of the Executive Committee.
A Committee comprising President, Past President, three members and the General Secretary shall select candidates for awards of prizes or determine grant of Travel Fellowships from out of funds earmarked for this purpose.
The Executive Committee shall consist of members formed as per the procedures followed by the International Body of IHPBA and any co-opted member at the discretion of the President. It will meet during the Annual Conference prior to the General Body Meeting and at other times as deemed necessary by the President to consider affairs of the Chapter.
A list of persons, who are members within the meaning of section 15 of the Societies Reg. Act. 1860, will be maintained in the name of Schedule IV to the Societies Reg. (Mah) Rules 1971 vide Rule 15 thereof.
The General Secretary shall maintain the Chapter funds in an appropriate account and will forward details of transactions to the Treasurer for presentation to the Executive Committee at the Annual General Body Meeting. He/She shall prepare the agenda and rules for procedure for each Meeting of the Executive Committee and Annual General Body and shall keep their records. He/she is elected for a period of four years.
A No Confidence motion in the Executive may be passed by a 2/3 majority of the members present and voting at the general body meeting. A resolution of the association except the amendment to the Memorandum of Association and the Rules and Regulations, may be passed by a simple majority of the members present and voting. Amendments of the Memorandum of Association and the Rules and Regulations may be hereinafter provided be passed.
Notice of the meetings of the Association of the Executive may be intimated to members thereof in such a manner as may be decided by the Executive from time to time.
The business meeting of the General Body shall be held together with the Annual Conference. The dates and venues shall be proposed by the Executive Committee and approved by the General Body. All members are entitled to submit to the General Secretary in writing items for inclusion on the agenda of the General Body meeting three months in advance. All matters of policy shall be decided by majority vote of members present at the assembly. Any change in Articles of the Chapter will require 75% majority of members present at the General Body.Scientific Papers can be presented by Members or Individuals sponsored by Members.
Scientific Committee shall designate time limit for presentations and discussion and may invite Speakers who are not Members of the Chapter. Guests shall have the privilege of the floor by invitation at the Scientific Sessions but will not be allowed to attend the general body meeting.
The presence of at least one third of the members of the General Body Meeting shall be necessary to form a quorum as a General Meeting. However, if the quorum is not present at the stipulated time of the meeting, the Chairperson of the meeting may adjourn the meeting for half an hour after which the meeting can carry on irrespective of number of people attending the meeting. No quorum is necessary for adjourned meetings.
The funds shall be deposited in a National or Scheduled Bank in the name of Association, and the account shall be jointly operated by the President, Secretary and Treasurer. No money will be withdrawn unless at least two of them sign the cheques or withdrawal slips.
The Rules may be amended, altered, replaced, rescinded or added to at any time by 2/3rd majority of the members of the General Body Meetings provided previous notice of at least 7 days is given to the members of then proposed alterations. If a change is desired in the name of objects of Association or if two or more societies are to be amalgamated, procedure laid down in section 12 or 12A of the Societies Registration Act 1860, will be followed.The Financial Year of the Association shall be from 1st April to 31st March of the Calendar year.
The Association shall not be dissolved except by the vote of a majority of the three fourths members present at General Body Meetings called for the purpose, provided the total number of votes cast at such a meeting is not less than two-third of the total of the members than on the rolls of the society under section 13 & 14 of the Societies Registration Act 1860.The Financial Year of the Association shall be from 1st April to 31st March of the Calendar year.
Download the General Guidelines for Holding the Certificate Course:
DownloadIC-IHPBA booth:
Circular and announcements:
Organizing Secretary, in his circular, shall inform all members.
OC should supervise the working of the travel agent so that they deal fairly with delegates. Organizing Secretary should attend any complaint against the travel agents and take proper action.
OC may allow stalls to be put up at the Conference venue at rates fixed by it. The Organizing Secretary shall send the following information to Honorary Secretary, IC-IHPBA before the Conference begins:
The OC may accept sponsorship for various events.
All collections must be credited to the conference a/c only.
Download the MOU Model Document for Course/ Conference:
DownloadThe Indian Chapter of IHPBA as a part of its educational activity is conducting this educational activity lasting for one week, at selected centres of academic excellence. The course is intended to teach concepts, principles and practice of HPB Surgery and should focus more on the established practices and consensus. Controversial topics/debates may be avoided as it suitable for a conference rather than this course. The following guidelines are suggested for the faculty involved in such courses.
The course duration will be for 5 days. Though it is desirable for faculty to attend the full course, with current scenario of work commitments, it is difficult for any faculty to devote such a long time at a stetch. Since this programme was designed as a closed group discussion, it is mandatory for the faculty to stay for atleast two days of the programme and interact with the participants. The faculty members are expected to take 2 or more number of lectures/video/academic session allotted to them as per the committee of IHPBA-IC. The faculty should bear in mind while preparing academic activity (lecture/video); that the attendees will be trainee surgeons completing either MCh/DNB courses, as well as practising surgeons who wish to enhance their practise in the field of HPB Surgery. The duration of each talk should preferably be between 20-30 min and the faculty should leave enough time for discussion after the allotted topic is completed. Once the faculty has completed their allotted talk, they are requested to continue participation in discussion for other presenter’s topics as well. In case of any further clarification, the faculty can contact either the course coordinator or secretary of IHPBA -IC for further guidance.
Download the Faculty Guidelines for Certificate course in HPB Surgery: